March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Throughout the month, the Big Ten Cancer Research centers are teaming up to increase awareness of the importance of colorectal cancer screening. If you or your loved one are age 45 or older, now is the time to act if you have not been screened.

Please join us by taking three steps that could make all the difference for you or your loved one. Screening saves lives!



Take the pledge

(and pick your team)

Fill out this form, and choose your favorite Big Ten team to get credit for your pledge. At the end of the month, we’ll give a special shout-out to the team with the most pledges!

SCREENING MADNESS PLEDGE: I pledge to get screened for colorectal cancer, or to encourage someone else age 45 or older to get screened. In the spirit of friendly competition, I want my pledge to count toward the Big Ten CRC member institution I choose on this form.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.



Make the Call

Contact a member cancer center today to schedule a screening appointment. Click the links below for more information and screening locations.

Step 3:

Explore More Screening Resources

Did you know that screening is available for several different kinds of cancer?

See the American Cancer Society Screening Recommendations for cervical, breast cancer, colorectal, prostate, and lung cancer.