February 11, 2022: Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium investigators presented a trial in progress abstract at the 2021 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. The abstract titled, A Phase II Study of Pembrolizumab plus Fulvestrant in Hormone Receptor Positive, HER-2 Negative Advanced/Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients, was presented by Nancy Chan, MD of Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey.Read More
December 7, 2021: This month, the Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium highlights UW Carbone Cancer Center and Jeremy Kratz, MD, a medical oncologist and researcher at the cancer center. Dr. Kratz is a member of the Big Ten CRC's Gastrointestinal Clinical Trial Working Group. For Dr. Kratz, pushing cancer care and research forward is much more than an academic pursuit. It’s personal. Read More
November 7, 2021: This month, the Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium features our member institution University of Iowa Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center and medical oncologist Margaret Byrne, MD, MS, clinical assistant professor of Internal Medicine-Hematology, Oncology, and Blood and Marrow Transplantation at the Carver College of Medicine. Dr. Byrne’s research interests include early-phase clinical trials of adjunctive therapies to enhance the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with head, neck, and lung cancers. Her clinical expertise includes thoracic malignancies and head and neck cancer. Read More
November 2, 2021: Since its founding in 2013, the Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium (Big Ten CRC) has experienced steady growth, guided by a Steering Committee whose members consist of one representative from each institution. Collectively, the group meets regularly to oversee the activities of the consortium and to decide matters of policy. Each year, the committee appoints a chair and a vice-chair. Peter G. Shields, MD (pictured left), of The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC-James) currently serves as Steering Committee chair, and Thomas G. Sors, PhD, of the Purdue Institute of... Read More
October 15, 2021: In this month’s Across the Consortium, the Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium highlights several investigators involved in detecting, decoding, and understanding genetic abnormalities as well as a potential drug target for treating aggressive pancreatic cancer and a tumor cell that may potentially stop tumor cell seeding and block cancer progression in breast cancer. We also feature a married couple at Penn State Cancer Institute that are building a research program using the MRIdian LINAC by Viewray, a Magnetic Res Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)-guided linear accelerator, one of only 18 units currently open in the U.S. Learn about recent appointments, news grants, and more across our member institutions. Read More
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